I looked at it and thought, I'm pretty sure I'm an ISFJ, which put me as Neville Longbottom. I read the description and it fit fairly well. But I left the chart open so I could look at my old test results from my freshman year of college.

To my surprise, my old results were ESFJ! Say what?! I came out on the extroverted side?! I read the description and it fit fairly well too.

I do identify with a lot of introverted tendencies, but sometimes I'm more extroverted. I really like to be around people and I don't really like to be alone to think. I do need my own time, but not to think...to not think, more like...anyway...I took another online MBTI test and came out ISFJ, so I think I'm an extroverted introvert. Maybe an introverted extrovert? I'm thinking the former. Mostly just crazy? Yeah.
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