Friday, September 9, 2011

I Need a Little Study Break

Having spent the better part of the last two hours looking through articles in The Deseret News from 1880-1881, I need a break. Might as well blog, right? I know a few of my faithful readers have been waiting...
I've been pretty busy since school started. Besides the obvious responsibilities that come with school, I have a new calling. Let me tell you a funny story.
I went to church the Sunday before school started, and was asked if I could meet with the Bishop. Sure! So I waited after church until it was my time. While waiting, a friend started speculating what I was going to be called as. We had a Relief Society president already, so she guessed 1st Counselor. I hadn't really considered that, but it was possible. So I went in to meet with the Bishop. He started by asking what my semester was going to be like. So I told him. After he got the information he asked for, he sat back, paused, and then asked, "How much of a challenge are you up for?" I thought, You already have a RS president. What could be more challenging than that? He continued to tell me that he felt that the Lord wanted me to be...a Relief Society president. Um...what? You already have one. She was called last week. Turns out, we're having two Elders Quorums and two Relief Societies in our ward. And I accepted the call to serve as president of RS group 2.
As you might imagine, I was slightly stunned. The ward clerk, a friend of mine, laughed at me a little when I came out. He was rather amused by the situation. Can't blame him. So that's the big adventure I've begun this semester as well. And I love it so far. I've made a significant effort to meet everybody in my Relief Society (and a whole lot of other people as well) and I almost know everybody's names. It's really exciting, because often I have a hard time with names...or rather remembering faces to attach the names to. So God is good. He qualifies those He calls, even making it possible to remember names and faces. He gives us what we need. It would have been so easy for me to become very self-absorbed this semester, just doing my homework and becoming a hermit. But now I can't, and I love that. I will be so much happier this way. It's great. Life is great. I love it.
And perhaps in the future I'll share the gems I'm finding in my Deseret News research. Because they're great too.


  1. Congrats on the calling! You will do great. :) If you ever need help with anything let me know!

  2. I can't think of anyone I know better suited for this assignment. Best wishes!

  3. :o) We are twins! ha ha ha. Isn't being a Relief Society president grand? So Crazy.
