There's nothing particularly frightening about May 13th, but when it is Friday the's still not scary. Now that we've covered that, I have some catching up to do. Here we go!
Sunday, May 1

I had a group of mission friends over. It was fun just visiting and chatting. And showing off my mission scrapbook. Haha!
Tuesday, May 3

Elder Clarence Jones from Houma, Louisiana, went into the MTC on May 4, so we had a farewell party for him the night before. We're so proud of him and excited for him to have a wonderful mission in Georgia! He's going to be great!
Thursday, May 5

Yet another gathering of mission friends, this time for the wedding reception of two of them! So exciting! I looked awful that night, so ignore me and look at everybody else!
Saturday, May 7

I cannot even express how much I loved seeing Seussical the Musical!!!! It was absolutely fabulous!!! My family came down and we had a great night of laughter and smiles. What a great show and it was so well done at the Hale Center Theater in Orem! I totally recommend it! My coworker even took that recommendation and she and her fiance are going to see it at BYU tonight. It's FABULOUS!!! I wish I had the music!
Wednesday, May 11

Meet one of my favorite foods: a poboy- roast beef and gravy on french bread, then "dressed" with lettuce, mayo, and tomato! Oh heaven. I haven't had one since...a long time ago in I made one. It wasn't as good as the Corner Cafe, but it was pretty dang good. I invited Bunkie over and we had a fun night of poboys and watching one of our favorite movies, Bandslam. Fabulous!
Thursday, May 12

Another mission pal came up and we went out for Japanese food. I even tried spicy tuna sushi. It was pretty good.
So that's been the biggest highlights of this month. That doesn't include my new ward, but I'll write about that another time. Also, work is going really well. I'm getting better and faster and we're getting caught up on indexing (we were pretty behind, but now there are just a few hundred documents left to index, we'll definitely finish before our supervisor gets back from doing physical inventory in Hawaii. (Yeah she has a hard life.)
Well that's about it! My life's been fabulous, I hope yours is too!