Good grief...don't accidentally hit enter after you type the title, it publishes your blog...and I just did it twice. Rather annoying, Google should change that...seriously, if it asks me in Gmail if I want to send without text in the body, surely it's the same idea here. Anyway. That's not what this post is about.
This post is a confession. A confession of love and adoration. The kind that makes you giddy and giggly. That is what I have experienced this evening. You see, I decided to watch a movie. Early. At like 5. Which meant I could watch another one after. The first one was Hairspray. It was good. I was still in a mood for musicals (and mostly Zac Efron), so the inspiration for my blog's name was the answer: High School Musical 2...yeah, this is the weakest of the trilogy but even in all its cheesiness, I adore it. I giggled quite a bit. And I haven't seen it in a long time.
While I watched it, I thought about the possibility of sometime having a HSM movie marathon. Actually, I've toyed with the idea for a while, but I haven't committed to it. I think it'd be so much more fun with other people...but I can't think of anybody who would be as nerdily excited as me. So then, at the end of the movie, I switched back to the television. It was on Disney Channel. You wouldn't believe what commercial came on. (Insert dramatic music or drum roll or something awesome here.) Next Saturday there is a sing-along High School Musical marathon! This made me giggle a lot more. Actually, I sat there laughing for a good long while. During the whole commercial basically. And it was pretty long.
So the question is, will I be participating in this sing-along marathon? Sadly, probably not. I have a wedding reception I plan on I could watch the three movies without my marathon probably won't be next week. But it is going to happen. Because, I confess...I LOVE HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!!!

P.S. just came on again...yes, I'm watching Disney Channel. That's my other confession: I sure love Disney Channel...the simple pleasures of life...
Guess what is playing at Playmill this summer?