I have such a great job! I really enjoy it. I have the daily routine down pretty well and I'm learning some new things. Plus, there are definite benefits to working in the Bookstore. Not only is there the employee discount, or even the nice atmosphere, but there are fun-day Fridays. Every once in a while, apparently, we get a special treat on Friday. How fun is that? Today it was ice cream sandwiches. You get to go down to the break room and mingle a bit with other employees. It was fun. Fun-day Friday!
In other news, I have a cold. It's not the best thing ever. But it's not horrible. It could be worse, that's for sure. I've tried to get more rest...went to bed about 9 last night. Probably close to that tonight. Plus, it's SATURDAY and I get to sleep in. Fabulous!!!
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