Saturday, February 5, 2011

Do the Hokey Pokey

Last night was so fun. It was Riddle's bachelorette party. We went to Chili's for dinner. I had the quesadilla explosion salad. It was pretty good. I make yummier quesadillas, but the salad part was way good. There she opened some gifts that I don't think I'll discuss here. Anyway, we got a free yummy chocolatey dessert. Don't know what it was called but it was GOOD. I'd totally get it again.
Then we went to a bar. A piano bar. Keys on Main in SLC. I thought it was kind of ironic that I was going to a bar with mission friends. But it was a pretty cool place. They have two pianos and three performers who switch off and it's a request-driven show. You put a little cash with your request and they'll play it faster than without it and you put a lot of cash and it moves it right up. And if you don't like the song they're playing and singing, you can pay a dollar more than the person who requested it paid and request a different song. Well whoever came up with that idea was brilliant. What's better than drunk people wanting a particular song? They'll pay hundreds of dollars for a stupid song. Seriously. Some guy paid like $20 to start a song, people pooled some money on the other side and I can't remember how many times it went back and forth, but I do remember the pool of $87 on one side...then the guy coming up with $120 to go back to his song...ridiculous. I'm pretty sure he spent at least $250/300 on music alone. And then enough alcohol to get plastered by 9:30. Ridiculous. Seriously. It costs $5 to get in there and if you don't drink or spend ridiculous amounts on a song it's a great deal.
It was pretty fun at the beginning because they were joking around with us a lot, since it was pretty obvious we were Mormons. And practicing Mormons. They did stuff like start playing primary songs, they called us the resident Relief Society, etc. It was just funny. They toned down the swearing. "Oh my word, oh my heck." Riddle's sister requested they do something for Riddle but she let them choose the song. So one of them played the Hokey Pokey and made her come up and dance. Then he sang "Going to the temple and she's going to get married..." It was funny.
Not all their jokes were appropriate and the language got worse as the night went on, as well as the music, so we left. But it was really interesting to see things progress. More people showed up, more people got drunk, it was ridiculous how stupid they look. Seriously the Word of Wisdom is so awesome. We had a lot of fun last night AND we remember it. And it was a whole lot cheaper. So moral of the story: don't drink, it's really dumb.

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